2 Kings 2:23-25


Honouring God

  • How do you feel when you read this story in the Bible? What questions do you have about it?
  • This story follows on from Elisha’s first miracles in Jericho.
    • Look at 2 Kings 2:15. How is Elisha thought of by the prophets in Jericho?
    • Now look at 2 Kings 2:19-22. How does Elisha’s miracle confirm that God is with him?
  • Elisha is going from Jericho to Bethel. Look at how Bethel is described in 1 Kings 12:28-30. Why do you think people from Bethel would not want him there?
  • It’s likely that the group approaching Elisha were not “children” – the Hebrew word could mean anything from youth to adult – does that give you a different perspective on the story?
  • Compare v.23 with 2 Chronicles 36:15-16, and also Deuteronomy 4:23-24.
    • Do you think the ‘mocking’ might be about more than banter?
    • Should God’s people react when God is dishonoured?
  • Calling Elisha ‘baldy’ is probably not comment on his hair (or lack of it), it probably compares him to his predecessor Elijah, who is described in 2 Kings 1:8 as either a “hairy man” or someone who wore a “hairy” garment [ie. the mocking says “You’re not Elijah”]. Do you think Elisha overreacted to this mockery by cursing the group? Why/why not?
  • Elisha didn’t fight the group, or call for specific revenge on the group, he left the timing and the outworking of the curse to God. Do you think God responded justly?
  • Should we pray for the downfall of those who stand against God? Look, for example, at Psalm 94:1-11.
  • In Leviticus 26 God gives his people a series of outcomes for both faithfulness to him and turning away from him. Look at Leviticus 26:21-22.
    • Is God consistent in dealing with those who turn away from him?
    • How does knowing that there are consequences for our attitude to God make you feel?
  • All through 1 & 2 Kings there are stories of blessing paralleled with stories of curse. How do the stories of the healing of the water, and the cursing of the mockers show this same parallel?
  • This is the sort of story that makes some people think that God is unjust and cruel. What would you say to those people?

  • If you could ask Elisha one question, what would it be? (what do you think his answer would be?)