Welcome to the online home of Glasgow Chinese
Christian Church. We are a non-denominational church that is made up of 3
congregations: the Cantonese Ministry (CM), Mandarin
Ministry (MM) and English Ministry (EM). We also have a
ministry and run a Chinese School.
Please browse the individual pages to find out more
about us and to get involved!
歡迎來到格拉斯哥華人基督教會網站主頁。本教會是超宗派的教會,現有三個組別包括: 廣東堂,國語堂,及英文堂。小朋友的活動包括兒童主日學還有中文學校。

Where we meet
Our gatherings mainly take place at three
- Findlay
Church, 56 Clarendon Place (near St. George’s
Cross Underground Station: Cantonese and English Sunday services
& special events)
- “Church Centre“,
2 Melrose St (also near St. George’s Cross Underground:
church office; other fellowship meetings)
- Partick
Trinity Church, 20 Lawrence St (West End near Glasgow
University: Mandarin Ministry Sunday services)
Other fellowship meetings are sometimes held at other locations such as
members’ homes and local universities.
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