Numbers 13:26-14:9


Speaking up in the face of negative attitudes

  • In the initial report from the spies (Num 13:27-29), they mention both the good things about the land, but also challenges that seem to be insurmountable.
    • Do you think they are giving an honest assessment of what they found?
    • Have you ever been in a situation where God is telling you to go forward, but you see problems and difficulties you didn’t expect? What did you do?
  • Caleb “silences the people before Moses” (Num 13:30).
    • Why do you think was it the people who were silenced by Caleb, when it was the spies who were doing the talking?
    • Why did Caleb see the need to speak at this point? Have you ever faced this kind of situation – what did you decide to do? Why?
  • In Numbers 13:32-33 the spies exaggerate what they had reported in v.27-29. Why do they do that? Is this kind of exaggeration part of human nature (have you seen this sort of thing happen in other circumstances)?
  • They also minimise the people of God (Num 13:33) by calling themselves grasshoppers. Have you ever been around people who diminish a group with their words – what effect does that have on the group?
  • The whole community has heard the report of the spies, and starts to grumble (Num 14:1-2). Not for the first time, they grumble against their leaders.
    • Have you ever been tempted to complain or moan about a leader (whether in church or elsewhere)? Have you ever been tempted to join in when others start complaining?
    • What is the difference between challenging the actions of a leader and grumbling against them?
  • They also grumble against God (Num 14:3). How do their questions about God show a lack of faith in him?
  • Moses & Aaron respond by ‘falling face down’ in prayer, then later Moses begs God to forgive the people for their contempt of God (Num 14:17-19).
    • Why is their first response prayer? Why not try and reason with the people?
    • Have you ever thought about the role of the leader as someone who asks forgiveness for their people?
  • Caleb & Joshua respond to the people by tearing their clothes (Num 14:6), this is a sign of grief or mourning. Have you ever felt so deeply about what’s happening in a group or in church that you ‘grieve’? How does Caleb & Joshua’s response challenge your level of commitment to God’s people?
  • Caleb also encourages the people (Num 14:7-9), by pointing them to the reality of the situation (the reality of their circumstances and of God’s presence with them). How important is it to offer encouragement to a group? How difficult is it to do?
  • Read how God describes Caleb in Numbers 14:24.
    • Looking what we’ve seen of Caleb, how is his “different spirit” and “wholehearted” following of God reflected in his actions?
    • Think of someone who you would say “wholeheartedly” follows God. What do you admire about them? Have you seen their boldness in action?
  • If you could ask Caleb one question, what would it be? (what do you think his answer would be?)