Psalm 103:13-22 & John 14:18-21
The qualities of fatherhood found in the Messiah
- Do you find thinking about God as a father-figure a positive image? What do you think it means for God to be described as Father?
- To call the Messiah the Everlasting Father is to say that he has the qualities of a father (remember, Jesus is described as the Messiah, but he is never described as father). Look at Psalm 103:13-22 & John 14:18-21 and pick out some words which describe the qualities of fatherhood.
- Compassion is the first quality described in Psalm 103:13.
- What does compassion mean to you?
- How is God’s compassion seen in the way ‘The Lord’ is described earlier in Psalm 103 (for example, v.9-12)?
- Would you say that you have experienced the compassion of God?
- In Psalm 103:13-16, the psalmist describes God knowing his people.
- Do you think v.14-16 are quite a bleak description of human life? Is the search for significance using platforms such as Instagram or TikTok an attempt to get away from this feeling of insignificance?
- How does being known and loved by God give life significance and meaning (look at Psalm 8:3-9 & Psalm 139:1-10)?
- Psalm 103:17 describes the eternal love (or loving-kindness) of God towards his people. How can this verse encourage you as you try to live for him each day?
- Orphans, in the Bible, are often considered to be ones who lack security or a place to belong. How do Jesus’ words in John 14:18 offer his people security and belonging?
- Obedience is mentioned in both passages (for example Ps 103:18 & 20-21; Jn 14:21).
- Would you expect children to obey a father – is that why we are called to obey God?
- Is obedience to God an obligation, or does it come out of our love for God – or both?
- The psalm ends with praise (Psalm 103:20-22). Think of some things about the qualities of God’s fatherhood that make you want to praise and give thanks.