Romans 12:3-21


What does commitment to being a member of Christ’s body look like?

  • To be in Christ is not just to be with a group of individuals who share a common faith, but it is to be connected to one another like parts of a living body. What is your first reaction to this idea – is it exciting, scary, difficult, too much … or something else?
  • In v.3 Paul reminds the Romans not to “think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement.”
    • Why do you think we should look at our attitude to ourselves before we think about our relationships with others?
    • What is Paul saying should be our attitude towards ourselves?
  • Paul says that because we are in Christ we form one body (v.5), how does this metaphor help us to understand our relationships with one another in EM, in GCCC and in the church as a whole?
  • Compare Romans 12:4-8 with 1 Corinthians 12:14-27. How do these passages, together, help us understand what it means to be part of Christ’s body?
  • In v.9 Paul makes the statement “love must be sincere”
    • What do you think this means? Is it ever possible for real love to be insincere?
    • John 15:9-13 (Jesus speaking to his disciples), 1 Peter 4:7-11 (Peter writing to a group of churches), Ephesians 4:1-6 (Paul writing to an individual church) all speak about loving one another. How do these passages help us to practice “sincere” love?
  • From v.9-18 Paul lists various things which should mark out God’s people.
    • Which of these things have you ever experienced from someone else? How did you feel?
    • Which of these have you especially shown to others?
    • Which do you find the most difficult to try and put into practice? Why?
  • Why do you think Paul reminds the Romans not to take revenge – why is this an important warning when thinking about belonging to Christ’s body, the church?

  • In Christ I am a Member of One Body is the theme for this week. How did this passage help you understand what God expects of us as part of his church? Did you learn something new, or were you challenged by something in particular?