Philippians 4:4-9


Peace is a mark of life lived in Christ

  • Would you describe yourself as a person who lives their life ‘at peace’? What challenges do you find to living at peace?
  • Despite the fact Paul is in jail, Philippians is a letter full of joy (Phil 3:1, Phil 4:4 for example).
    • Is there a difference between being happy and rejoicing in the Lord?
    • Look at some psalms which describe joy in the Lord (Ps 5:11-12, Ps 33:20-22, Ps 97:11-12). How do these verses help us to find rejoicing in the Lord?
  • Inner peace is seen in outward expressions v.5.
    • What does ‘gentleness’ mean? Some other passages which use the same word are: Matthew 11:28-30 (Jesus describes himself as gentle), Ephesians 4:1-6, James 3:13-18 (gentleness is sometimes translated as humility).
    • In what ways can you make your gentleness ‘evident to all’?
  • Compare the beginning of v.6 with Jesus’ words in Luke 12:22-26.
    • What do you think are some of the negative consequences of being anxious or worrying about things?
    • Do you think these verses over-simplify how we should respond to worries?
    • What do you find helpful about these verses? What do you find challenging?
  • How might praying bring peace? Is it because God promises to answer our every request or is it something else (compare v.5b-6 with Psalm 145:13-19)?
  • Notice the two aspects of prayer Paul mentions in v.6 – giving thanks and presenting requests. Why are both these aspects essential for prayer? Do you tend to focus on one aspect more than the other?
  • In v.7 Paul speaks about peace guarding hearts and minds.
    • In what ways do you think peace can guard hearts and minds? Why is it important that both hearts and minds are at peace?
    • How can you develop this peace of heart and mind (think back to Colossians 3:1-3)?
  • In v.8 Paul gives a list of things to help focus our minds. What sort of things do you find tend to occupy your mind? How would using this list assist you to have a more helpful focus?
  • Paul offers himself as an example to the church at Philippi (v.9). Is there anyone you admire whose life seems to be at peace? What things from their life can you seek to put into practice in your own?

  • In Christ I have Peace is the theme for this week. How does this passage help you to develop the habits for a more peaceful inner-life? Did you learn something new, or were you challenged by something in particular?