1 Kings 19:1-18


God can meet us at our lowest point

  • Have you ever reached a point in your life when you’ve wanted to run away from it all? How did you feel? What did you do?
  • Look at the way the writer of Kings describes Elijah’s journey into the desert (v.3-5).
    • How does the description of his physical journey match his spiritual/emotional journey?
    • Can you relate to his experience?
  • Do you think Elijah was running away from God?
  • Look at Psalm 139:7-12. What does it tell us about God’s presence with his people?
  • An angel wakes Elijah twice and tells him to eat, even although he doesn’t feel like it (v.5-8).
    • Why is it so important for Elijah to eat (v.7)? What is the connection between physical and emotional or spiritual wellbeing?
    • When you’re at a low point it can be very hard to take care of both physical and spiritual needs. How can we support one another when we’re struggling?
  • In v.10 & 14, Elijah ‘rants’ at God in answer to the question “what are you doing here?”
    • Why do you think Elijah reacts so angrily to God’s question?
    • Have you ever wanted to ‘rant’ to God? Did you do it, or not? Do you think it’s OK to get angry with God?
  • Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai are generally considered to be the same place – look at the description of God’s presence at Mount Sinai in Exodus 19:16-19.
    • Why would Elijah expect to experience God’s presence in the power of wind, earthquake or fire?
    • Why do you think Elijah found God’s presence in a “gentle whisper” (which could also be translated as “silence”)? [This is the only place in Scripture where God’s presence is described this way].
    • Do you tend to look for God’s presence in the loud, dramatic experiences? How can you try and find God in quieter ways?
  • Elijah struggled to find God’s presence in his circumstances (in Jezebel’s threats, in his experience of loneliness and isolation), to Elijah God seemed silent. How does the “whisper” of v.12 remind us that God is present even in the silences?
  • Look at what God says to Elijah in v.15-18.
    • Are you surprised that God tells Elijah to “go back” (v.15)? Why/why not?
    • How does God show Elijah that the situation he is going back to is different from the one he ran away from? [In what ways is the situation the same?]
    • How can v.16-18 encourage you when you feel overwhelmed by circumstances?
  • If you could ask Elijah one question, what would it be? (what do you think his answer would be?)