Exodus 4:1-17


Facing our fears when God calls us to a task for him

  • Have you ever felt called by God to do something which scared you? How did you respond, did you do it, or did you decide not to?
  • Looking at the passage as a whole, what are Moses fears about what God is calling him to do? Have you experienced similar fears?
  • Even before Moses goes to Pharaoh, he has to convince his own people, the Israelites, that he has been sent by God. Compare chapter 3:13-15 with chapter 4:1-9.
    • Why do you think God first starts with words, and then actions for Moses?
    • How easy is it for fellow Christians to believe that a task is from God? Do you need to give proofs?
  • Moses’ insecurities about past experiences make him unwilling to accept God’s instructions (v.10).
    • What are the insecurities you have which prevent you from serving God in certain ways?
    • Is there a difference between being insecure and recognising that you are not gifted for a particular task?
  • Instead of encouraging Moses about his own abilities, God speaks to Moses about himself (v.11-12). Why do you think God points Moses to himself (God), and not to Moses’ own strengths?
  • God promises that he will be with Moses, to help him and to teach him (v.12). How do you experience God’s help and God’s teaching – does it make you more confident in a task?
  • Despite God’s promise to help Moses, and his reminder of his greatness, Moses still begs not to go (v.13).
    • Do you have some sympathy for Moses? Why/why not?
    • How do you think you would react if you were Moses (given the difficulty of the task you are facing and your own fears)?
  • Although God gets angry with Moses’ reluctance to go (v.15), he provided Moses’ brother Aaron to act for him in his task.
    • Why do you think God didn’t decide to move on and choose someone different instead of Moses?
    • Think of someone who has helped you when you were fearful about something. How did their presence help? Did it make you more confident for the future?
  • If you could ask Moses one question, what would it be? (what do you think his answer would be?)