John 10:1-21
Who do we follow?
- What people or organisations do you follow? Why?
- The image of the shepherd and sheep is used a lot in the Bible, especially to describe the role of a leader and those who are lead. Look at Ezekiel 34:11-16 and compare it with what Jesus is saying in John 10.
- What similarities do you see between these two passages?
- What do these passages tell you about Jesus, when he describes himself (twice) as the good shepherd (v.11 & 14)?
Jesus compares the shepherd with three different kinds of people, strangers, thieves/robbers, and hired-hands:
- Why is it so important for the sheep to recognise the voice of the shepherd (v.3-4)?
- How can we recognise God’s voice among all the other voices which call out for our attention?
- How well does a shepherd know his sheep? What is the importance of the shepherd knowing the sheep by name (v.3 & 14)?
- How do you feel about God knowing you so closely – secure, happy, scared, overwhelmed, something else?
- Jesus describes himself as the gate for the sheep (v.7 & 9). What does this image say to you?
- What are the outcomes of entering the sheepfold through Jesus, the gate (v.9)?
- Look at v.10,
- How do you think the thief steals, kills and destroys life?
- What does Jesus mean when he says that he comes to bring life in all its fullness?
- V.11-13 compares the shepherd with the hired-hand. What does the comparison between the shepherd and the hireling tell us about the care and commitment Jesus has to his followers?
- V.11 describes what the shepherd will do for the sheep, what Jesus will do for his followers.
- Can you think of others places in John’s gospel where Jesus has spoken about laying down his life?
- Why is important to know that Jesus lays down his life ‘of his own accord’ (v.17-18)
- When Jesus talks about brining other sheep into the sheep pen (v.16) what do you think he is talking about? (Remember, he is talking to the Jewish religious leaders, and compare this with some of the other passages we’ve looked at such as John 1:9 and John 4:42).
Jesus’ talk about the shepherd and the sheep still leave people divided about him (v.19-21). What do you think divides opinions about Jesus today? How do you respond to people who voice different views about Jesus?
- In reading this passage, what have you found the most surprising or challenging?