John 1:1-18
Incarnation and the response to it.
- The first 18 verses of John’s gospel have been said to summarise the whole book. Can you identify a beginning, middle and end to what John says about Jesus in these verses?
- John 20:30-31 tells us the aim John had in writing his gospel. How is that aim seen in the introduction, John 1:1-18?
- John describes the Word (who we later find out is Jesus – compare John 1:15 & John 1:30).
- What two things does John say about the Word in v.14? Compare this with the way Jesus is described before his birth in Matthew 1:21-23.
- Why do you think it is important to know that “the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”?
- Why do you think John begins his gospel with a description of creation (v.3)? Compare this with Colossians 1:15-20.
- What do you think John mean by describing the Word as life which brings light (v.4-5)? People try to light up their lives in all sorts of ways. Why do you think Jesus is the “true light” (v.9)
- There are three responses to the Word in this this passage, lack of recognition (v.10), outright rejection (v.11) and acceptance (v.12).
- Why do you think people fail to recognise God or choose not to receive him (v.10-11) – look at John 3:19, why do some people prefer darkness to light?
- Compare v.12-13 with 1 John 3:1. How does ‘believing in his name’ change someone’s life (think back to the session ‘In Christ I belong’ on 3 February)?
- John (the Baptist) is described twice in this passage (v.6-8 & v.15), he is described as a ‘witness’ and ‘testifying’.
- What do these words mean? What was John’s role?
- What do you think it means for you to be a witness, or to testify about Jesus? In what ways can you do this?
The passage ends by pointing people who want to know God, to Jesus (v.18). Compare this with Jesus’ own words in John 12:44-46. Are you confident that God is made known in Jesus? How can you share this with others?
- In reading this passage, what have you found the most surprising or challenging?